Susan’s Stories and Posts
My mother says I taught myself to read by the time I was four. I couldn’t wait to discover the magic of words. I remember sitting at the breakfast table reading the cereal box. When finished, I read it again. I am addicted to words.
People ask me how often I write—writers are always writing. Even without a piece of paper in front of us, words are bouncing and buzzing in our heads like bees trapped in a glass jar.
I you like my stories, you can read more in my book, Wine and Cereal: An Irreverent Look at Sixtyish and Single, Volumes I and II. Click here to purchase. Thanks.
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“Uncle Kurt says Bonnie is an adulterer,” my oldest grandson says.
My head whips around. My grandson is 14 and loves to surprise me with words like adulterer.
Playing Dress-up
“That dress looks good on you!” the salesperson at White House Black Market says. She steps into me. “And I love your perfume!”