An Uplifting Experience

“Oh, don’t try to lift that,” Connie says I reach to remove a section of the dog walk from the agility trailer.

We are setting up for a dog agility trial and there are three trailers full of equipment that needs to be unloaded and assembled.  There must be a dozen or so of us measuring the rings, dragging pieces out of the trailers, and wondering why in the heck we ever chose this sport.

“Why shouldn’t I lift it?” I ask.  It’s a piece of equipment I have lifted for years.

“Well,” she hesitates, “because of your condition.”

“My condition?”

“Yes,” Connie says, “you know . . .”

I do not know.  I don’t recall having a condition.  Then I realize what she means.

“You mean my age?”

Connie nods.

Son of a biscuit!  She thinks I am too old to lift it.  I want to tell her about my personal trainer, my Pilates, my work with weights but I am too stunned.  I have been unloading trailers for more than 20 years and suddenly I am too old to be of much use.

Instead, I simply reach past her and drag the plank with assorted brackets out into the light.  I’ll show her!  I throw it onto my shoulder and stomp across the field.

Son of a biscuit!  It’s heavier than I remember.  I set it down with a loud grunt that causes the other folks to ask if there’s anything wrong.

Of course not, I assure them.  I race back to the trailer to find something even bigger to carry.  Lucky for me, there’s a cart filled with PVC jump poles that needs to be wheeled out.  As I aggressively push it into place, a twinge settles into my shoulder.  Then my knee begins to throb.

I will not let them see me limp so I stride back to the trailer for more.

I wake up the next morning and before I even roll out of bed I know I will need a hefty dose of Advil to get me going.

Son of a biscuit!  I never should never have lifted that dog walk!


Brotherly Love


Sweating It Out