Susan’s Stories

My mother says I taught myself to read by the time I was four.  I couldn’t wait to discover the magic of words.  I remember sitting at the breakfast table reading the cereal box.  When finished, I read it again.  I am addicted to words.  

People ask me how often I write—writers are always writing.  Even without a piece of paper in front of us, words are bouncing and buzzing in our heads like bees trapped in a glass jar.

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader

Out of Style

“See you at 2!” reads the text from my hair stylist, Brandee. I’m on the run and notice there is additional wording but I know she’s just telling me how she’s looking forward to seeing me.

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader

A Load of Crocs

“You really need a Croc intervention,” my daughter-in-law says as she surveys my house. “I have them by the doors so I can slip them on when I go outside,” I say. “It’s not like I wear them in public.”

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader

Digging Out

I am up to my knees in mud crusted with hail. I’ve run through all the bad words I know and am well into the second round.

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader

A Shot in the Arm

“You’ll have to give her shots for 10 days,” the reptile vet informs me, holding Myrtle firmly.
Shots? I have to give my turtle shots?

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader

Out of Practice

“Why do you have such a big car?” Helga asks as I slide her walker into the cargo area. Born in Germany, she has a voice that could make an SS officer soil his shorts.

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader

Merrily Down the Stream

Son of a biscuit! The cable is out again! The nice young cable guy was out just last week to fix it and now the stupid TV tells me there’s no connection.

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader


“A sleepover!” I exclaim to my buddy, Susan. Her air conditioner has died in the middle of a Tucson summer so she’s asked to spend a couple of nights with me until it is fixed. Susan’s hubby is in Oregon readying their vacation home so it is just the two of us.

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader


Son of a biscuit! The altar candles go out again. I came to church early to trim the wicks and now they won’t stay lit.

I can hear murmurs from those who have arrived early for the church service. We are Lutherans, so if we’re not early, then we consider ourselves late.

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader


At first, it was cute listening to cheery Disney tunes while I was on hold.

By the time I heard Let’s Go Fly a Kite for the fourth time, I am more than ready to tell Disney where they could stick that kite.

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader


My earphones snugly in place, I prepare to do some serious spring cleaning. The dogs slink into a corner. They cringe as I prepare to belt out Kings & Queens by Ava Max.

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader

Cooking for the Kids

“I miss my kids, but I don’t miss cooking for them.” Stella pops a grape into her mouth.

“As soon as my kids got up in the morning, they wanted to know what was for dinner,” I say, signaling the waiter for some more hot water.

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader


“Are all these coats yours?” asks JP, my handyman, as he tightens the hinges on my front closet.

“Yes,” I say. Now that I look at them, there are quite a few--especially for someone who lives in Arizona.

“Why?” he says.

“Well . . .,” my mind scrambles to concoct a reason. “I hate to be cold,” I finally say.

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader


“Does it hurt?” I ask my skin care technician.

She doesn’t answer right away, which should be my first clue.

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Homelife Susan Luzader Homelife Susan Luzader


I am moving out of my bedroom for a few weeks while the contractor repairs drywall, paints, and discovers new and inventive ways of spending my money.

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