Susan’s Stories

My mother says I taught myself to read by the time I was four.  I couldn’t wait to discover the magic of words.  I remember sitting at the breakfast table reading the cereal box.  When finished, I read it again.  I am addicted to words.  

People ask me how often I write—writers are always writing.  Even without a piece of paper in front of us, words are bouncing and buzzing in our heads like bees trapped in a glass jar.

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Girlfriends Susan Luzader Girlfriends Susan Luzader

White Whale

“He’s gorgeous!” Terri stage whispers to Ellie across the conference table.

“Absolutely delicious!” Ellie replies.

“Who are you talking about?” I lean toward both as I sit.

Terri smiles. “The new guy at the Starbucks drive-thru.”

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