Susan’s Stories

My mother says I taught myself to read by the time I was four.  I couldn’t wait to discover the magic of words.  I remember sitting at the breakfast table reading the cereal box.  When finished, I read it again.  I am addicted to words.  

People ask me how often I write—writers are always writing.  Even without a piece of paper in front of us, words are bouncing and buzzing in our heads like bees trapped in a glass jar.

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Girlfriends Susan Luzader Girlfriends Susan Luzader


“Did you ever read that book?” Pam asks, taking a sip of her hot tea.

“What book?” says Susan (we are both Susan). She picks another French fry off my plate.

It is an unwritten rule of our lunches—one of us must order fries so we can all share. We’ve been a writing group for 30 years but today is simply a lunch celebrating friendship.

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