
Is it a ghost?  Or is it some wandering spirit?  Do I believe in ghosts?

I’m staring at the doorbell app image showing a light dancing around my front door at 3:44 AM.  It’s Easter morning and my phone insists I had a visitor.

Wait a minute!  It’s Easter morning—did Jesus show up at my front door and I missed it?  What if Jesus knocked and I didn’t answer the door?  Am I about to be lifted up like those depictions of the rapture?

I play the recording again.  The light is vertical and waves around in no discernible pattern.  I strain to see if it has a face—don't spirits usually show a face? 

What’s the difference between a ghost and a spirit?  Is someone sending me a message?  They picked the wrong person for this.  My kids already think I’m batty.  If I say I have a message from the spirit world, they’ll cart me off and throw the key into some bottomless abyss.

It must be a reflection from someplace, I tell myself.  Even so, I decide not to peek out the front door until it is fully light outside.  If it is a ghost, I do not want to actually come face-to-face with it.  The shock of seeing a ghost would probably immediately turn me into one.

People on television are always trying to prove ghosts are real.  What if I have the proof right here?  I could sell this and be famous!  Would that anger the spirits?  If the spirits are angry, would I have to hire a shaman or an exorcist?

Wait a minute—do I believe in ghosts?  Maybe I do now.

The sun comes up and I peek outside.  My front porch is mercifully clear of ghosts and/or spirits and/or Jesus.  Although I don’t picture Jesus standing around on my front porch waiting for me to open the front door.  I suspect there would have been thunder and maybe some lightning to get my sorry derriere out of bed.  

I dash to church and then to brunch with my son and his family.

I hand my phone to my son, confident he will be amazed at what he sees.  He stares for a few seconds.  Does he believe in ghosts?

He looks up from the phone and hands it back.  “Mom,” he says, “it’s a spider web blowing in the wind and reflecting the light from the doorbell.”

It doesn’t matter.  I don’t believe in ghosts anyway.


Enjoy my latest meme…


Enjoy my latest meme….